Vietnam is urbanizing quickly, with thousands of new homes and apartments being built each year in major cities across the country. In most cases there is still a lack of awareness of sustainable building practices, leading to inefficient energy use, excessive water usage, unhealthy indoor environment, and other issues. The Vietnam Green Building Council (VGBC) decided to launch the Vietnam Green Home Challenge, from 2019, to promote green building concept and bring opportunities to many new homes being built to green standard. By using green measures recommended in LOTUS, home-owners can expect to save from 20% to 40% on energy bill, save up to 40-50% water consumption, while enjoying healthy and comfort indoor environment thanks to better ventilated spaces and more natural lighting.

VGBC wishes to engage architects and homeowners to join the Challenge, on a voluntary basis, to take the initiatives to design and build homes according to green building principles, using LOTUS Homes as a guideline. VGBC will assist and advise participating projects, with the vision to make green homes a reality for your family.

VGBC will assist and advise participating projects, with the vision to make green homes a reality for Vietnamese family.

Upon registration, VGBC will initiate design workshops with architect and homeowner and:

  • Suggest green measures for implementation;
  • Support documentation to help projects set goals, incorporate green measures and monitor progress;
  • Provide recognition (certificate, online green home list, etc.) for challenge takers that achieve green targets;

Benefits for Homeowners

  • Realizing green goals for a healthier and more environmentally friendly home
  • Receiving free support from the VGBC
  • Gaining public recognition for green efforts


As participants of the Challenge, architects and homeowners are committed to:

  • Implementing green measures as permitted by building budget and schedule
  • Promoting green building concept to the public

Click here to visit VGBC Green Homes Chellenge website.

Upcoming Events

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