The conference will provide a good opportunity for engineers, architects, contractors and experts in the construction sector to meet and learn from green design and practices of typical case studies not only in Vietnam and Asia Pacific region but also in other regions in the world once the green building trend has been more and more growing in a plenty of nations not just limited to developed countries. Mainly because green buildings are environmentally responsible, resource-efficient throughout their life-cycle and are designed, constructed and operated to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment. 


With the participation of leading architects and experts, the representative from Malaysia Green Building Confederation shared their experience in green building development. 5 architects and engineers presented 5 implemented case studies of many provinces all around Vietnam and South East Asia.


Sharing experience of applying green solutions in Flamingo Dai Lai project, Nguyen Luan architect said: “Our point of view is to preserve trees, ponds, hills and to build up a resort- the second house that meets criterion of modern and environmentally-friendly structure. The of architect and partners driving towards green architecture in project implementation are modern, traditional, natural-material used with multi-function and high amendities.


The expert from Malaysia Diamond building – a Platinum GBI project, energy efficient building award of ASEAN in 2013: “Green strategy for Diamond Building including 4 main aspects, including energy efficiency, lighting, electricity and water consumption”.


Besides, many ideas were discussed such as Le Luong Ngoc architect and double-wall project, Ho Van Hai architect – Vo Trong Nghia company and Kindergarten project at Dong Nai, Ms.Tran Binh Minh – focusing on nature connection for living environment inside the city.


Le Luong Ngoc architect presenting design solutions following building orientation (West)



The event’s atmosphere was very exciting and could clarify all backlog issues in research, green construction and architecture development in Vietnam, demonstrating the importance of environmental and socio-economic contribution of green building.


Through the workshop, more and more case studies were presented with visual arts of design and models, which has fomulated a larger scale of green trend in Vietnam. Hopefully, learning from experience of  developed nations, Vietnam will soon become a country of sustainable buildings.


Source: KienViet 

The event is also broadcasted on InfoTV.

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