LOTUS system

LOTUS New Construction (LOTUS NC)


LOTUS New Construction (LOTUS NC) is the latest rating system developed by the VGBC. LOTUS NC assesses new construction and major refurbishment of all types of buildings.

LOTUS NC V3 Credits


Non-Residential (NR)

Residential (R)


32 Points

32 Points

E-PR-1 Minimum Energy Efficiency Performance
Prerequisite  Prerequisite
E-PR-2 Passive Design
Prerequisite Prerequisite
E-PR-3 Total Building Energy Use
Prerequisite Prerequisite
E-1 Passive Design
E-2 Total Building Energy Use 14  14
E-3 Building Envelope
3  3
E-4 Building Cooling
6  6
E-5 Artificial Lighting
3 3
E-6 Energy Monitoring and Management
2  1
E-7 Lifts
E-8 Renewable Energy
3  3


13 Points

13 Points

W-PR-1 Water Efficient Fixtures Prerequisite Prerequisite
W-1 Water Efficient Fixtures 5 5
W-2 Water Efficient Landscaping
2 2
W-3 Water Metering
1 1
W-4 Sustainable Water Solutions
5 5

Materials & Resources

12 Points

13 Points

MR-1 Reduced Concrete Use 2 2
MR-2 Sustainable Materials
5 5
M-3 Non-Baked Materials 2 2
MR-PR-1 Demolition and Construction Waste Prerequisite Prerequisite
MR-4 Demolition and Construction Waste 2 2
MR-5 Operation Waste Management 1 2

Health & Comfort

14 Points

14 Points

H-PR-1 Indoor Smoking Prerequisite Prerequisite
H-1 Ventilation for indoor air quality
3 3
H-PR-2 Low-Emission Products
Prerequisite Prerequisite
H-2 Low-Emission Products
2 3
H-3 Biophilic Design
1 1
H-4 Daylighting
3 3
H-5 External Views
2 N/A
H-6 Thermal Comfort
2 2
H-7 Acoustic Comfort
1 2

Site & Environment

21 Points

20 Points

SE-1 Flood Resistance 1 1
SE-2 Development Footprint
2 2
SE-3 Vegetation
4 4
SE-4 Stormwater Management
2 2
SE-5 Heat Island Effect
2 2
SE-6 Refrigerants
2 1
SE-7 Construction Activity Pollution Control
1 1
SE-8 Light Pollution Minimization
1 1
SE-9 Green Transportation
3 3
SE-10 Community Connectivity
1 1
SE-11 Outdoor Communal Space and Facilities
2 2


8 Points

8 Points

Man-1 Effective Design Stage
1 1
Man-2 Construction Stage
1 1
Man-3 Commissioning
4 4
Man-PR-1 Maintenance
Prerequisite Prerequisite
Man-4 Maintenance
1 1
Man-PR-4 Green Awareness
Prerequisite Prerequisite
Man-5 Green Awareness
1 1

Exceptional Performance

8 Points

8 Points

EP-1 Enhanced Performance 8 bonus points 8 bonus points
EP-2 Innovative Solutions
8 bonus points 8 bonus points


